GelFire Terra Torch® Ignition Systems

When manpower is limited or drip torches, ignition spheres aren’t enough, rely on the GelFire Terra Torch® as the preferred ground ignition system for prescribed fire projects.

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What is Terra Torch®?

The GelFire Terra Torch® is a high-performance ground ignition system that propels an ignited gelled stream of extreme fire safely and effectively into desired target area. The gelled formula reduces the flammability of the stream and enhances the ability to ignite and burn hotter into the target area. More fire power than a drip torch but when combined with drip torches and or PSD launched ignition spheres the GelFire Terra Torch greatly enhances prescribed burn project success.

Prescribed Fire Tool

Excellent tool for prescribed fire projects.

Using The GelFire Terra Torch in prescribed fire projects greatly enhances the success and the ability to ignite and burn desired RX burn plan. The GelFire Terra Torch allows operators to ignite and burn in unfavorable weather and fuels conditions. By burning in less favorable weather and fuels conditions greatly reduces the risk of losing control of a prescribed fire operation plus greatly increases burn windows.

Wildland Fire Management Tool

Excellent tool for prescribed fire and blacklining

Wildfires have been on the rise in North America, scorching millions of acres and causing millions of dollars in property damage & loss. The GelFire Terra Torch adds extreme fire power for prescribed burns and the ability to create rapid fire lines to blackline and gives the wildland firefighter the ability to quickly create controlled blacklines while combating a wildfire.

Invasive Species Eradication Tool

Creating extreme heat that burns to the root of the matter.

Invasive species are invading every type of land including forest, range, and wetlands. The GelFire Terra Torches extreme heat and the ability to propel a stream of fire up to 50 feet to incinerate plants is second to none. The GelFire Terra Torch ignites plants in unfavorable weather and in the plants greener stages greatly increases burn windows for prescribed fire projects.

Environment Hazmat Cleanup Tool

Excellent surface cleanup capabilities with the GelFire Terra Torches ability to provide extreme heat into a targeted contaminated area such as an oil spill. More information coming soon!

Safety is first priority

The GelFire Terra Torch has an excellent safety record with multiple built-in safety features. Safety is our top priority with attention to detail, quality components, unique design combined with extreme performance makes the GelFire Terra Torch the preferred choice in ground ignition equipment.

The Terra Torch will Light and ignite just about anything

The GelFire Terra Torch will

  • Ignite fuels within lower fire danger levels, reducing the risk of a potential wildfire.
  • Create wider burn windows due to the extreme fire power and fuels ignition.
  • Safely ignite & propel a stream of fire over 50 feet igniting a specific target.
  • When faced with reduced or limited manpower allows prescribed fire projects to get completed.
  • Ignite desired fuels when a drip torch will not.
  • Create less smolder and substantially reduce smoke with Terra Torch ignition.
  • Increase Crew safety & reduce fatigue when igniting dense or hard to reach fuel areas.
  • Safely mix, gel, transport, store and propels gelled fuel easily and effectively.
  • Provide years of dependable service with limited maintenance.
  • Burn & remove crude oil or petroleum product from rock, soil, sand, plants.

At GelFire Systems, quality is not just something we guarantee; it is who we are.  Since our founding, we have been fueled by innovation and a desire to provide systems that will enhance land management practices for the better. Superior craftsmanship combine with continuous support will provide years of performance with little maintenance.

Agencies that use Terra Torch

Who uses the Terra Torch?

They are Forest & Land Management Agencies & Companies, Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Park & Recreation Agencies, Fire departments, Department of Defense, Contractors & Ranchers.

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